Friday, April 11, 2008


So, I have heard this word pretty frequently, especially over the past few days. Here are a few thoughts on the subject.

I have nothing wrong with Theology, and coming up with theories of God-related things, and how God and Christians should intentionally relate to things or approach different areas of life. For example, having theologies of friendship, institutions, fear, et cetera; there is nothing wrong with this, and is generally helpful, but Theology must remember its place.

Theology is a man-made system! And how can limited man completely and with utter certainty describe an infinite God? We can't. Plain and simple. We can try, but we must, must, must never forget that God is bigger than our systems. God is bigger than our universe. God is bigger than our Bible. And isn't that amazing? That there is mystery. That in the end of time, there will still be mystery, and we can fall into it, into love, into the embrace of the mystery of God?

Today in Chapel, Dr. Edith Humphrey talked about the Trinity - one of the greatest mysteries of God. And within her lecture she said, "And judgement day will confirm our theology." First of all, I have no idea where this came from, and secondly, this strikes him as arrogance to the core. Even C.S. Lewis, who probably was more intelligent and brilliant than Edith, said that, "God is the great iconoclast." Meaning, God strikes down the images we construct. God destroys our own theologies, blowing them out of the water. Our theology will be confirmed? Yeah, right. I hope and pray not! I want God to reveal the mystery; I want to enter into a new story - one without the veil between God and humanity, where we, together, can explore eternally the depths of it.

So, the implications for Theology? Yeah, it's good and whatnot, but beware, lest you fall into arrogance, which is the curse for all of us, really. But we must never, never, ever think that we have it figured out completely. And we must learn to accept paradoxes and mysteries. Besides, they are the best part.

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