Saturday, May 24, 2008

A little dichotomy, please.

Okay, so I saw this, and am disgusted. Winning the culture war? First of all, let's diagnose the assumptions and see what we get. The book might be good, so this is going to be more of a critique of James Dobson and his organization. I'm sorry, not James Dobson, but his ideals and ideas about Christianity and the State. Winning the culture war? This assumes that first, politics is the essence of culture, and that in politics, Christians are leading the way.

I think most of us will agree that politics, though apart of culture, is not the quintessential aspect of culture. In fact, culture, how people live and what people want, influence politics, or at least it should, but that is for another post. Anyways, so, Christianity, Dobson's Christianity, I should say, is winning the culture war? I don't think so. Nor do I think he should be trying. Christianity is not about power. It is about service. It is not about influence, but about transformation. Right? Or am I crazy here?

America is not the battleground. Influence in regional, kingdom of the world, politics is not the objective. Bringing the love and restoring power of the kingdom of God is. What does God care about nations? Why should God bless this abstraction for following God institutionally? I don't think we ever will, nor should we try, except as individuals and communities. Jesus was not about force. They tried to him a king by force, so he ran away from them! Why? Because Christianity is about freely choosing service, love, hope and faith. Only then can it have the ability to transform a life.

What are doing? How can we make Christianity more like Christ? Is there any hope for it?

1 comment:

Nerda Puella said...

You might be crazy but you're not crazy about that .

Service and love are the point of Christianity. It's what Jesus did and what he continues to do.

I don't know what we are doing. I don't know if we can save Christianity as we know it.

I think people have come to familiar with a distorted view of Christianity. The only way to change is, as with many things, to start locally.

I think there is always hope.

I don't much about Dobson. But I fear we let so many things distract us from Christ whether it be politics, technology or religion itself. I think we need to start at the basics. Otherwise this ill church will never be healed.