I will be honest: graduate school is a job. Yesterday I studied/read for eight hours. Maybe more. I should really keep track of these things. And Thursday was a very similar experience. And today probably will be too. Eight hours, but I feel it should be more. I am neck deep into some of my classes -- and the thesis. But as they say, no pain, no gain. As my Latin teacher once said, frustration is the stupid leaving the brain. Well, there's to hoping he was right, which he probably was, let's be honest -- the guy knew Latin.
So, about yesterday. I read. And then I kept reading. And all the while I wrote marginalia. And then I studied German and a little bit of Dutch. Ich das blog lesen. Seriously. And you should too! Anyways...
I do want to reflect on my project here for a second, because I've read two hefty articles recently that are beginning to illuminate more aspects of what this year will look like. One of the articles claimed and defended the notion that the de Anima is the psychological outworking of Aristotle's physics. He links the two explicitly through the fields of perception (anachronistic applied to Aristotle; Aristotle would just say perception or sense-organs). So, what that means is for is that I have to become familiar with Aristotle's Physics, his Metaphysics, and some of his smaller works like On Generation and Corruption, and On the Movement of Animals. All of this to look at a chapter or two in the de Anima, since it is a movement from his older philosophy into a new unexplored realm. So, Aristotle, my friend, try your best, but I will be reading your corpus this year. In fact, it is sitting on my desk right now...
Off to read, or something. Peace.
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